Alaska Statehood-Big Alaskans!

Captain George Reandeau

Captain George Reandeau

We pay tribute to George Reandeau who passed after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer’s.

A favorite guest and good friend, George Reandeau was Captain of the Mighty Ptarmigan, the boat that cruised Portage Glacier to give visitors a close look at Alaska’s beauty.

George was also a purveyor of Tall Alaska Tales and even shared one of his zingers!  Do you think it’s the truth or a no good lyin’ through your tooth Tall Alaska Tale?

To listen to George Reandeau’s interview only listen from the beginning to approximately 34 mins 10 seconds

Vic Fisher

Vic Fisher

A delegate to Alaska’s Constitutional Convention, Vic Fisher helped co-author Alaska’s state constitution. And that was just one of Vic’s remarkable accomplishments.  Imagine if someone came to you and said, “Hey, wanna start a state?!” For Alaska’s birthday celebrating becoming a state January 3, 1959, we caught up with Vic to talk about his experience helping Alaska to become a state.

To listen to Vic Fisher’s interview only start at approximately 34 mins and 8 seconds where intro starts.

Download our podcast and meet two remarkable Alaskans!