Hummingbirds and Our Science Guy!

Hummingbirds were never a big thing during my growing up in Alaska. That's changed. Our Science Guy, Dr. Gordon Snyder, explains why and why he finds them so interesting.

Check out this podcast interview with Gordon. We even have a Tall Alaska Tale!

Gordon shares some cool hummingbird links!

Hummingbirds Arrive! Nature’s Fighter Pilots and Dr. Gordon Snyder!


Perhaps the most underrated creature in nature, hummingbirds migrate 3,500 miles during the winter. Their high-tech construction allows them to maneuver like a helicopter with precision.
Our Science Guy, Dr. Gordon Snyder, takes us through a tutorial why he thinks they’re so amazing. Gordon posted videos he took with his iPhone of hummingbirds in slow motion.

Hummingbirds in Alaska?! Not only Southeast Alaska but even Southcentral and that never happens. Wrong!

Our Science Guy, Dr. Gordon Snyder, shares science and biology insights to give a better bird’s eye view about hummingbirds.

Find out how remarkable and surprisingly fierce these creatures are and why Gordon calls them “nature’s fighter pilots!

Listen to the Full Podcast!

YouTube Videos

Amazing Anna's Hummingbird in Slow Motion Flight

Anna's Hummingbird sipping from feeder in Slow Motion

Young Male Anna's Hummingbird doing his best to stay in video frame.

For more of Gordon’s pics and videos: