Book Reviews: Authors Lolo Paige and Mr. Whitekeys Join Us

Mr. Whitekeys entertains us with his latest book, The Voyage of the Alaska Union: Adventure, Danger, Scurvy, Romance Keys' pursuit of this story is much like the journey the men in it who sought their Gold Rush fortunes. Both discovered gold - just not for them, but for our entertainment! Check out our podcast

LoLo Paige, author of the Blazing Hearts Romance Novels, shares how she converted a lack of the Irish luck experience into a luck of the Irish romantic tale in, Irish Thunder.

We also asked Lolo to be our Big Alaska Show Book Reporter at a 20 BOOKS 2023 VEGAS Convention. This is what she sent!

Wildfires, Fly Fishing and Novels

Lolo Paige fought wildfires. Years later she authored her Blazing Hearts Wildfire Series novels.

Set in Alaska, Lolo's stories revolve around the wildfire industry where men and women work closely as teams to face life-threatening situations. Throw in some sizzling relationships and you have a page turning novel that ends to quickly with readers seeking more. So, Lolo obliges.

She adds Alaska Blaze and a lighthearted comedy Hello Spain, Goodbye Heart you'll find in our Book Review Section

Joe Jackson, talks about his book, It's Only Fishing: Tales of Alaska, fly fishing and young adulthood. You’ll find his book, links and extended podcast in our Book Review Section

Because fly fishers are so passionate, we asked our Science Guy, Dr. Gordon Snyder, to join us. He became one of the foremost authorities on water science because of his love for fly fishing. We're not sure if the interview is about Joe's book or fly fishing!

Hear the full podcast!

Merry Christmas From Alaska!

This show has become a traditional favorite for the Big Alaska Show. Not only does it showcase Alaskan talent , it allows co-host, Mike Ford, and me to enjoy listening to our own show at home on Christmas Eve morning!  Kurt Riemann hosts and features one of his "Merry Christmas From Alaska" CD series with Christmas music performed by Alaskan musicians. His wife, MJ, also performs in it. Plus, it includes a couple of "hands-on" performances by Uncle Steve that has audiences rising from their seats and heading for the exits!

Listen to the podcast!

Mike-A-Thon: Mike Ford, Mike Ferris and Mike Mendyke!

Dick Van Dyke had a birthday this week and we dug out an interview from 2009 with our Big Alaska Show Guest Tourist. Mike Mendyke sings with Dick Van Dyke's quartet, the Vantastix, and shares stories meeting Dick and singing with America's favorite entertainer and comedian.  

Then our Deadliest Catch Myth Buster, Mike Ferris, shares another Close Call and talks about the crab closures in Alaska.

Mike Ford, starts the show off with a good laugh!

Check out our podcast, sans commercials!

Remembering Ruben Gaines

Ruben Gaines defined Alaska for local Alaskans through his broadcasts, writings, poetry and cartoons. Ruben created a mythical icon, Chilkoot Charlie, who gained notoriety when it became name of a world renowned rustic saloon in Anchorage, Chilkoot Charlie's, owned by Mike Gordon. Mike wrote a book, DAGNABIT!, that talks about Ruben Gaines and 25 year friendship. You'll find Mike's books and interviews on our Big Alaska Show Book Review section!

Ruben's son, Phil Gaines, also joins us to share stories about his dad and entertaining stories about Ruben Gaines!

Check out the podcast!

Leslie Ellis: A 70th Anniversary Legacy

Former CEO of Credit Union 1, Leslie Ellis's vision for CU1 was to become actively involved in the community. With employees' boots on the ground volunteering their time to non-profits and other community causes, and with the support of financial contributions from Credit Union 1, Leslie's vision came to fruition leaving a legacy of the past and a bright future to make Alaska a better place.

Leslie Ellis also left a shining example what good stewardship looks like to CU1 employees, mostly young.

Today's show takes us into Leslie's story including her passion for Bean's Cafe, who feeds the hungry and they are seeking donations and volunteers this holiday season!

Oh, and did we mention Leslie Ellis likes to have fun while doing it?

Check out our fun podcast!

Hummingbirds and Our Science Guy!

Hummingbirds were never a big thing during my growing up in Alaska. That's changed. Our Science Guy, Dr. Gordon Snyder, explains why and why he finds them so interesting.

Check out this podcast interview with Gordon. We even have a Tall Alaska Tale!

Gordon shares some cool hummingbird links!

Book Review 3 Alaskan Authors!

Our illustrious Big Alaska Show Book Panel interview 3 Alaskan authors which you can find more about their books and podcasts on our Big Alaska Show Book Review section.

Click on Elishaba Doerksen (Out of the Wilderness), Richard Chiappone (The Hunger for Crows) and Steven Levi (Bonfire Saloon).

Or listen to the full Saturday morning radio show here

Memorial Weekend Show: VIPER and Alaska Works!

We meet young veterans and people helping veterans transition into civilian life through VIPER, Veteran Internships Providing Employment Readiness, and Alaska Works.

These programs provide training in the trades and assistance to help veterans through a major change in their lives to put them on a positive path for their futures.

They are a major weapon to help fight the epidemic of suicide that takes 22 military lives everyday.

Meet America's finest! Listen to the full podcast!